White ceramic is a beautiful material that provides a very bright background for any inlay. These offset channel blanks will provide a unique change from a standard inlay ring.
Ceramic is strong and doesn't scratch easily. It is a brittle material that can crack if it experiences a sharp impact.
While creating rings, we recommend wrapping one to two layers of electrical tape around the mandrel. Or use a dab or two of CA glue to glue the ring blank to the mandrel rather than over-tightening.
Rings are available in standard 8mm width or a thinner 6mm width. Choose the width and then the size of your ring blank. Offset-channel blanks are available in 8mm and 6mm widths. The 8mm rings come in whole and half sizes 5-15, and the 6mm rings come in whole and half sizes 4-12. The width of the channel is approximately 1.5mm on the 8mm rings and about 1mm on the 6mm rings. The channel is approximately 1mm deep.