I wrapped a natural lavender amethyst gemstone with silver aluminum wire. This comes with a 24 inch silver filled chain. The amethyst has natural inclusions and is double terminated. It has record keeper triangles (trigons) on one face.
Amethyst has a calming energy that encourages peace, balance, patience, and stability. It can heal grief and personal loss, and enhance strength and endurance. It may be able to aid in overcoming addictive and compulsive behaviors. Amethyst is an extremely protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It is also helpful in dealing with legal and monetary issues and can promote prosperity.
Purple is the color of Spirit. It is a power color and is often used for meditation and communication. Amethyst is often used as a dream stone, and offers protection while traveling in the Astral Plane.
Record keeper crystals usually have raised or incised triangles on one or more of their faces. These crystals are said to contain ancient knowledge and profound secrets of the universe. Many people claim to be able to access this information from their record keeper crystals. The crystals can also be used for personal meditation and to achieve balance and enlightenment.
Trigons or record keeper triangles are patterns that appear on many different types of crystals. They are etched on the stone as it is formed. For believers in sacred geometry, the triangle represents a powerful symbol and can act as an access point to open and amplify energy.
Stones listed as natural, raw, or rough may have some imperfections and inclusions. Be sure to check all photos, including the zoom feature, for details about a particular stone. Please see photo with ruler for size. Colors may vary with individual monitors.
Many stones are susceptible to fading, and they should be kept out of direct sunlight. Do not use hot water, salt water, or solvents like alcohol to clean them. Stone properties and descriptions are for informational purposes only and do not offer any guaranteed outcomes. Also, they are not intended as a substitute for medical care.